Sunday, 22 June 2008

In Visions of Razors and Conquest

We need the vibes
from adoring fans
these crazies are forever.
To the dogged songs
of tombstoned tooth,
to the infamy of the brahmin's kiss.

Fear wil dress thee in goose pimples
ratty shack baby
and comb thy wayward soul
on the cobra boulevard.

Guillotined mouths
have etched twilight in murdered visions
like silhouetted gentlemen,
riches for reggae,
moon pinched man beyond the mirror.
Curious vanities await the breathless
when flamingo suns
writhe in their barbed deaths.

Come dear kettle fish
thy flesh is in need to be razor'd!
Be silent.
Welcome to the underworld,
lipstick will hide
thy agony...

@Steven Francis Poems 1998

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